The Servant of Two Masters (2015).
Peer Reviewed Article
“It isn’t desolate because you are here”: Lorraine Hansberry's Comedy in Raisin and the Sun and "The Arrival of Mr. Todog.". Comedy Studies. Published Online January 7th, 2023, Issue forthcoming.
"Bill Irwin's Clowning: Zany Labor of the "Physical Intellect"." Comparative Drama, vol. 54 no. 1, 2020, p. 1-25. (Published 4-29-2021)
“”Thus, Like the Formal Vice”: Mark Rylance and Clowning in Richard III” in Comedy Studies 11:2 Autumn 2020
“Flopping to New Heights: Clown Failure’s Alternative Potentials in 500 Clown Macbeth” in Contemporary Theatre Review Vol 26, No.2. 2016. Pp 153-167
Performance Reviews
'Performance Review: The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window', the Black Theatre Review. 2(1) :81-83. 2023.
“Review of Old Hats by Bill Irwin and David Shiner” Ecumenica 6.2 (2014). pp. 87-88.
Book Reviews
“Review of Circus and the Avant Garde: History, Imaginary, Innovation.” Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism Spring 2023.“Review of Discovering the Clown or The Funny Book of Good Acting by Christopher Bayes, with Virginia Scott. Theatre Topics 30.1 (2020). Pp. 54-55
“Review of Medical Clowning: The Healing Performance by Amnon Raviv.” Theatre Journal 71.3 (2019): pp. 408-409
“Review of Clowns: In Conversation with Modern Masters by Ezra LeBlank and David Bridle.” Theatre Topics 26.1 (2016): pp. 153-154
“Review of Clown: Readings in Theatre Practice by Jon Davison.” Theatre Topics 24.1 (2014): pp. 67-68
“Review of Puppet: An Essay on Uncanny Life by Peter Gross.” Theatre Journal 65.3 (2013): pp.435-437.
“Review of Adapting King Lear for the Stage by Lynne Bradley.” Theatre Survey 54.1 (2013):
pp. 165-68.
Conferences Presentations(Selected)
"William F. Wallett and the Comic Repertoire of Shakespeare" shared paper at Comedy and Embodiment Symposium, September 22-23rd, Boston MA
"Institutions as Sites of Inequity of Change" participated in roundtable discussing place of theatre history survey courses in undergraduate teaching. Association for Theatre in Higher Education Conference, Austin TX, August 3-6, 2023.
“Machinal in 2022: The Impossibilities of Staging Canons” Paper Presented at Theatre Pedagogy Symposium of the Mid America Theatre Conference in Minneapolis March 9th-12th 2023
The Impossibility of Knowing Lorraine Hansberry: Les Blancs and her Post-Raisin Legacy” Paper Presented at Theatre History Symposium of the Mid America Theatre Conference in Minneapolis March 9th-12th 2023
“Avoiding Despair: Lorraine Hansberry's Comedy in Raisin and the Sun and "The Arrival of Mr. Todog" Paper shared and discussed at the Comedy Studies Working Group at the American Society for Theatre Research in New Orleans November 3rd-6th 2023.
“What Use are Clowns? Lorraine Hansberry’s Subtle Revolutions of Style” paper presented at at Theatre History Symposium of the 2022 Mid America Theatre Conference in Cleveland March 3rd-6th 2022
“Camilla Pessi: Repeating and Revising the Masculine Clown” Paper discussed at the ComedyStudies Working Group at the American Society for Theatre Research Conference.Online. October/November 2020
“Bill Irwin, Clown Body in a Modern (Theoretical) World”. Paper presented at the Pacific Modern Language Association Conference. San Diego. November 2019.
“Innovations of “The New Theatre”: Bill Irwin’s Clown Pasts and Futures”. Paper presented at the Mid-America Theatre Conference. Cleveland. March 2019.
“Aesthetic and Social Forms” – Contribution to Roundtable on Intro to Theatre Assignments shared at Association of Theatre in Higher Education Annual Conference. Boston, August 2018.
“Troilus, and Cressida, and Donald Trump.” Paper to be presented at the Mid-America Theatre Conference. Milwaukee. March 2018.
“Representing Muslim Experiences with Non-Muslim Actors.” Paper presented at the Association of Theatre in Higher Education. Las Vegas. August 2017